To match 2 or more remotes to control the same collars.
If you notice that 2 remotes are controlling the same collar unintentionally.
You will need to decide on a code before changing the ID code. Your ID code can be either 1 or 2 digits and consist of any of the numbers on the intensity dial. For example, your ID code can just be “1” for an ID code of 1 or it can be “1-1” for an ID code of 11.
Once you have decided what your ID code is going to be, save this information for a later step.
Turn the Intensity Dial to V/T and your toggle switch in the up position.

Press the mode button on the back with something small like a pen or paper clip.

The Indicator Light on the front of the remote transmitter should light up green while the mode button is being pressed. Once you see the green Indicator Light you can release. The green light will remain lit for 15 seconds.
Within the 15 seconds, turn the Intensity Dial to the first digit in your code. Then press the side button. The light will rapidly flash confirming your selection.
If you have a 2nd digit in your code, turn the Intensity Dial to the 2nd number, and press and release the side button. The green light will flash and turn off, indicating it has accepted the 2-digit code.
If you have a 1-digit code, wait for the light to go out after pressing the side button. The ID code will then be set.
Repeat these steps using the same code with any additional remote transmitters that you want to be matched or to control the same collars.
If you are changing the ID codes because you have more than one remote transmitter controlling a collar unintentionally, use different codes.
After matching the ID codes for the remote transmitters, pair the desired collar receivers to one of the cloned remotes. After pairing to one remote transmitter, all cloned remote transmitters will be paired to that collar.
If you are unsure how to pair a remote and collar, please refer to HOW TO PAIR MY SPORTDOG® UPLANDHUNTER® 1875 WITH A SINGLE COLLAR OR BEEPER or if you have more than one collar, HOW TO ADD ANOTHER COLLAR TO MY SPORTDOG® UPLANDHUNTER® 1875.