The collar that comes with the Handheld is default paired to Dog 1 (toggle switch up).
For the use of 2 dogs on your handheld, an additional collar will be needed to pair. You can purchase additional collars here.
Start with the Handheld powered ON and the Collar you are pairing OFF.
- Ensure the Handheld is on by confirming a green light flashing once every 3-4 seconds.
- It is normal to see a faster blue blinking light for the initial 30 seconds after powering the handheld on.
- Ensure the Collar is off by confirming there are no lights after 10 seconds.

If you are only using one collar with the handheld, start with the toggle switch in the UP position.
If you are adding a second collar to the system, place the toggle switch in the DOWN position.
- For the use of 2 dogs on your handheld, you will use the toggle to quickly switch between Dog 1 (UP) and Dog 2 (DOWN).

Press and hold the power button on the collar. The Indicator Light will turn green (the health sensors lights may also come on green but disregard). Continue to hold until the Indicator Light goes out, then release the power button.

Press and hold the upper button on the handheld until you see the collar Indicator Light flash green 5 times. The collar is now paired.
It is normal for the collar light to blink blue for up to 30 seconds after pairing is completed.
Verify that your handheld and collar receiver are paired.
- To confirm this, turn your dial to any number and then press the button used to signal static stimulation to your dog. Be careful to not touch the contact points to avoid feeling the static stimulation.
- The collar’s indicator light will glow solid red while the button is being pressed if the system is paired.
If you need further assistance, please contact our customer care team.