The remote transmitter and collar in your 1875 are interchangeable with other SportDOG® remotes and collars.
Please note that when mixing remote transmitters and collars from different kits, you may still be limited to the shortest range within the units.

You will need to first find the model or visible part numbers for the unit in question when determining which other SportDOG® remote transmitters and collars will work with your system. There are a few ways you can find this:
The model number printed on your packaging.
The visible part number printed on the back of your remote transmitter.
The visible part number printed on the back of the collar or beeper.

Once you have found the model or visible part number for your unit, reference the chart above. If the number is on this chart, then the unit is compatible with your system.
The SD-BEEP works with the following remotes:

When using a remote other than the 1875 remote, you will only be able to use the locate and enable/disable beeper functions.
Beeper run mode and beeper tone will need to be set manually on the beeper itself. For more information, visit HOW TO SET THE BEEPER TONE AND RUN MODE MANUALLY ON YOUR UPLANDHUNTER® BEEPER.
If you have determined that the remote transmitter and collar or beeper are compatible, you may still need to pair them together. Please visit HOW TO PAIR YOUR SPORTDOG® UPLANDHUNTER® REMOTE TRANSMITTER WITH A SINGLE COLLAR OR BEEPER or if you have more than one dog, visit HOW TO ADD ANOTHER SPORTDOG® COLLAR OR BEEPER TO YOUR UPLANDHUNTER® 1875.